Rates are determined by the credentials of your therapist and range from $85-$125/session. Sessions are generally weekly and 45 minutes in length. Unfortunately, we do not offer a sliding scale at this time.
Tiffany Teamer, LCSW-R $125/session
Danushi Fernando, MHC $85/session
Jen Herman, LMSW $85/session
Nicole Wong, LMSW $85/session
Lea Tanenbaum, MHC $85/session
Rose Hedreen, LMSW $85/session
Currently, all therapists that accept insurance have full schedules, therefore we are only able to accept new clients that are willing to pay for services according to the fees above. There is wait list for Blue Cross Blue Shield & Fidelis Insurance Plans. No other plans are accepted at this time.
Out of Network Benefits
You may have OON benefits with your insurance plan. If so, we will verify benefits and provide you with the necessary documentation. Fully licensed therapists (they have an L in their credentials) are eligible for reimbursement.
Also, please change the Groups info on this page to state the following instead: We are currently offering different Support Group and Kids Coping Group options via Telehealth for $25/session.
Cash, check, HSAs and Credit Cards are accepted
Cancellation Policy
If you are unable to attend a session, please make sure you cancel at least 24 hours beforehand. Otherwise, there is a $45 fee for missed appointments.
Any Other Questions
Please contact us for any additional questions you may have. We look forward to hearing from you!